Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

Handphone sekaligus Instrumen Musik

"The future is now"
Kali ini gw setuju banget dengan pernyataan ini.
Darn!! gila lo semua harus liat video yang satu ini:

Can you believe it?
All those musical performance is played directly with your mobile phone!!
Kali ini gw ga bakal banyak tulis, cuma 1 clues :
~KDDI au design project & Yamaha~

Langsung aja, ini listnya kalo lo pada penasaran:
1. "Strings for fingers"
2. "Sticks in the air"
3. "Box to play" synth / scratch pad combo,
4. "Key to touch" foldable keyboard,
5. "Trio in your hand" scratch pad / sampler,
6. "Band in my pocket" device;